Help grow our nest…

By donating to our charity you are directly helping those who need us the most. Your donation will help support those children suffering the relentless demands of living with complex health conditions or terminal illness.

Any contribution, big or small, will help these children to live the life they so deserve.

Become a friend of the nest

Interested in supporting us with fundraising or in another way with skills you feel fit our service?

An application form will be coming soon, until then, please get in touch!

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more.
It can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home,
or a stranger into a friend.

Donate to our nest

Our nest takes donations via our Give a Little page or directly to The Swan Nest account:

The James Swan Charitable Trust Board
ASB Johnsonville

If you donate directly to our nest’s account, please email us for your donation receipt

Corporate sponsorship

Get your business on board and help grow our nest!

Contact us today!

Some ways we can work together

  • Employee fundraising (bake sales, team events where individuals gather sponsorship e.g. 1/2 marathons, round lake Taupo bike race and the likes)

  • Payroll Giving

  • Supplying of resources for therapy sessions, office equipment or items for raffles.

The Swan Nest is proudly supported by

Ray White Johnsonville

We are delighted to have our first corporate relationship formed with Aaron and Philip at Ray-White Johnsonville. The Swan Nest has been chosen as their charity of choice for “A little Ray of Giving”. A beautiful Christmas initiative where people can donate a gift for children or parents or a resource for The Swan Nest and these will be distributed out by us to families with children living with complex medical conditions or terminal illness before Christmas day.

Rare Disorders NZ

CEO Nicola is excited to support Rare disorders NZ and we are excited to have the support of Rare disorders for The Swan Nest. Nicola has regular meetings with the CEO Lisa Foster to discuss the advocacy for our people who live with a rare disorder. Keep a look out on our social media for future updates in this area, there are some exciting meetings coming up.